- 한의학 박사
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- 여성암 클리닉 : 유방암, 자궁경부암, 난소암
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- 두경부암 클리닉 : 뇌종양, 구강암, 비강암
- 혈액암 클리닉 : 급만성 백혈병, 림프종, 골수이형성증
- 항암 부작용 완화 클리닉 : 항암치료 부작용 관리, 암 관련 증상 케어, 면역 관리, 통증 관리
- 여성질환 클리닉 : 생리통, 생리불순, 자궁·난소질환(자궁근종, 자궁내막증, 자궁경부이형성증, 난소낭종)
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- 다이어트 클리닉 : 전신비만, 복부비만, 디톡스
- (A) case report of a stage Ⅳ non-small cell lung cancer patient treated with modified Yieum-jeon showing improvement in malignant pleural effusion and other respiratory symptoms
- Development of a guidelines of the herbal medicine treatment for gastric cancer on the use of systemic review and delphi technique
- Ascites-decreasing effect of SB intraperitoneal injection to a refractory ascites patient with synchronous colorectal liver metastasis and metachronous peritoneal carcinomatosis : a case report